ILOFORDIGITAL Project – Workshop outcomes

July 10 2024 Bari

ILOFORDIGITAL – Industrial Liaison Offices (ILO) for empowerment of a cross border Digital, entrepreneurial and professional skills network
Participatory process and co-design of ILOFORDIGITAL development and enhancement activities

The event recently organized in Bari on 10th July highlighted, through a qualified panel of stakeholders, how to address problems related to the lack of high-level skills, especially in the digital sector, through cross-border cooperation
The workshop entitled “Participatory process and co-design of ILOFORDIGITAL development and enhancement activities” took place last Wednesday 10th July 2024, at the “BALAB” Room of the University of Bari, as part of the ILOFORDIGITAL Project (“Industrial Liaison Offices – ILO – for empowerment of a cross border Digital, entrepreneurial and professional skills network” SA-0100122), financed By the European Union through Interreg IPA South Adriatic Program 2021/2027, according to S.O.4.1.
The project was born from the cooperation of the Department of Informatics of the University of Bary in partnership with Sviluppo Italia Molise (IT), University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali” (AL), “Fan S. Noli” University (AL) and Montenegrin Employers Federation (MNE). In parallel, important associated partners such as the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, Apulian It District, Aleksandër Moisiu University Durrës, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Dhitech High-Tech Technological District Scarl, are involved to ensure a widespread diffusion of ILOFORDIGITAL features.
Numerous ideas emerged and insights were conducted through the workshop, which saw the interactive participation of several stakeholders from the academic and business world, as well as that of international partners.
After the introductory session, which allowed to reconstruct the economic and scientific framework underlying the problems arising from the digital “brain drain” in the various countries, each partner presented the territorial specificities and the path undertaken to achieve strategies oriented towards innovation and to the development of growth processes in sectors considered strategic. In details, the main findings of the context analysis have been illustrated, which allows to summarize the scope of reference and the potential development of the project.
Through the support of a facilitator, a specific interactive session was organised, in which the workshop participants discussed and developed a reference SWOT analysis for the definition of a common intervention strategy. What immediately emerged is the sharing of numerous critical aspects that limit the development of economic sectors characterized by higher digital and ICT
related contents, so in these areas the contribution and presence of qualified human resources with good skills is a crucial aspect for the success of entrepreneurial initiatives.
The workshop therefore made it possible to lay the foundations for the subsequent and desired developments which will allow to define, through the activated networks, a joint strategy adapted to the specificities of the different territories, focusing from one side on overcoming the critical elements identified and on the other on exploiting available opportunities.


Ultimo aggiornamento 11 Febbraio, 2025